Wednesday, April 30, 2008

While Waiting For A Meeting

I wrote this for Charish* and
I hope she likes it
I wrote this for Charish and 
I don't care if she likes it
I wrote this for Charish and
It is hip-shaking
Tic-Tac-Toe good
To what does she owe the honor?

*this looks like char-ish to me. char making not the chair sound but the burger king burger type of sound.  my apologies for poor spelling.  this is a great way to distinguish a person from an abstract concept.  


Charish Halliburton said...

Yes, for what am i owed this honor?

I've never had a Tic Tac Toe reference in my honor

Lucky for all parties involved, i love this.

My name is spelled "Charish"

Charish Halliburton said...

HA HA HA! You're out of control!

jaygoldz said...

I think our blog will be tic-tac-toe good.